At a glance
Just some of the people Catalyst supports
Why do people like you use Catalyst?
Read on below to find out why over 200 schools across the UK use Catalyst every day to inform their development strategies.

Unlock the knowledge and experience of all staff: CATALYST helps schools improve by unlocking the knowledge and experience of all staff. This means that headteachers can tap into the collective expertise of their staff to drive school improvement.
Save money on external consultancy: CATALYST helps headteachers to save money on external consultancy by unlocking the expertise already in the school. This means that headteachers can use their own staff to support school improvement, rather than relying on costly external consultants.
Improve school leadership: CATALYST supports headteachers to improve their school and its leadership by engaging everyone in tracking school progress. This means that head teachers can involve all staff in the improvement process, which leads to more effective school leadership.
Easily access and order improvement data: CATALYST helps headteachers to improve their school by accessing and ordering the improvement data from across the school. This means that headteachers can quickly and easily access the data they need to drive school improvement.
Engage and support all staff: CATALYST is easily shareable with all staff, allowing them to engage and support the school improvement process. This means that headteachers can involve all staff in the improvement journey, which can lead to a more collaborative and supportive school culture.
Senior Leadership Team

Unlock the knowledge and experience of all staff: CATALYST helps schools improve by unlocking the knowledge and experience of all staff. This means that senior leaders can tap into the collective expertise of their staff to drive school improvement.
Efficiently review and progress the school improvement journey: CATALYST helps senior leaders to update, review and progress the school improvement journey regularly through the simple interface and easy-to-complete audits. This means that senior leaders can efficiently monitor progress and make informed decisions.
Streamline progress tracking and reporting: CATALYST enables senior leaders to demonstrate progress (and next steps) in their area of responsibility simply, saving time and effort in the recording process. This means that senior leaders can focus on improving the school, rather than spending excessive time on reporting.
Empower staff development: CATALYST provides a tool to use with staff to develop their journey. This means that senior leaders can support staff development, which can lead to a more skilled and engaged workforce.
Easily track and report progress: CATALYST provides tools to help senior leaders and their team to map a school improvement journey and record progress. The audit process is simple to complete, and the uploading evidence feature helps to focus on what actually matters. Reports allow senior leaders to demonstrate their success and plans for future development, which can lead to more effective school improvement.
Governors & Trustees

CATALYST provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the school's improvement journey, allowing governors/trustees to stay informed and guide leadership decisions with ease.
With CATALYST's high-level and deep-dive reports, governors/trustees can better understand the school's strengths and areas for improvement, and use their experience to help schools improve.
CATALYST promotes dialogue and collaboration between governors/trustees and the SLT by highlighting key areas of school improvement and providing a common platform for discussion.
CATALYST's dashboards and reporting features offer a clear and concise view of the school's progress, enabling governors/trustees to identify areas where staff need additional support or resources.
CATALYST's user-friendly interface and comprehensive reports make it easier for governors/trustees to engage with the school's improvement journey, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.
Department Heads

CATALYST helps Departmental Heads to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their subject domain, allowing them to make informed decisions about improvements.
Departmental Heads can showcase their expertise and identify areas where they need support to develop their subject in school using CATALYST.
CATALYST enables Departmental Heads to collaborate with their staff, building capacity, setting professional development outcomes and providing support for their teams.
Departmental Leads can use CATALYST as a tool to help staff members develop themselves, providing valuable resources and tools to guide their professional growth.
CATALYST streamlines the auditing process, allowing Departmental Heads and their teams to complete audits quickly and efficiently, freeing up valuable PPA time for other tasks.

CATALYST empowers schools to improve from within by leveraging the knowledge and expertise of their own staff, promoting a sustainable and collaborative approach to school improvement.
CATALYST provides a comprehensive view of the school's current status and progress, allowing for informed decision-making and targeted development strategies.
CATALYST generates actionable data and insights that support evidence-based school improvement efforts, enabling schools to track their progress and identify areas of strength and improvement.
CATALYST helps schools optimize their resources by avoiding the need for costly external consultants, and instead utilizing the skills and talents of existing staff members to drive school improvement.
CATALYST promotes a culture of transparency and accountability by providing all staff members with access to the school improvement journey, facilitating engagement and buy-in across the organization.
Multi Academy Trusts

CATALYST helps MATs to make informed decisions by providing a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their schools, allowing them to provide targeted support where needed.
CATALYST allows MATs to easily track progress across their schools and identify areas for improvement, enabling them to develop evidence-based strategies for improving educational outcomes.
CATALYST helps MATs to provide consistent support and guidance to their schools, ensuring that all schools within the trust are working towards the same goals and using the same frameworks.
CATALYST provides a simple, user-friendly reporting framework that allows trustees and headteachers to quickly and easily review progress and identify areas for improvement.
CATALYST enables MATs to build a culture of collaboration and sharing, encouraging schools to work together to share best practices and support one another in their improvement journeys.
Local Authorities

CATALYST provides Local Authorities with a comprehensiveview of the strengths and weaknesses of schools across the area, allowing fortargeted support to be provided where it is most needed.
CATALYST enables Local Authorities to facilitate effective school-to-school collaboration by highlighting areas of expertise and connecting schools to share best practices.
CATALYST helps Local Authorities to make informed decisions about allocating finite resources by providing a clear picture of where the greatest needs lie.
CATALYST streamlines the process of reporting progress towards goals, making it easier for Local Authorities to communicate with senior leaders and other stakeholders.
CATALYST is a user-friendly tool that can be easily shared with schools, helping to engage staff and build a culture of continuous improvement throughout the area.
Membership Organisations

CATALYST helps membership organizations to identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their members to develop better services.
With CATALYST, membership organizations can provide a record of the impact they are making, which can help attract new members and retain existing ones.
CATALYST helps membership organizations to understand the value they provide to their members in terms of the services they offer, allowing them to adjust their pricing and improve their offer.
Membership organizations that use CATALYST will be able to grow by developing targeted and effective programs based on the data they collect.
CATALYST provides membership organizations with a simple and efficient way to collect and organize data, freeing up staff time to focus on developing new initiatives and services.