The National SEND Audit

September 14, 2023
Ben Barton

We are proud to launch the National SEND Audit today and to start the journey of SEND leaders in schools and trusts throughout the UK taking back control of the SEND agenda and building a call for change. Created by Dr Anita Devi, the National SEND Leadership audit will help to assess your setting’s strengths and areas for development across 7 key areas of SEND leadership. This is also your opportunity to contribute to national policy and get a national report on SEND Leadership across the country.

Take the SEND Audit today.

Why Local Solutions Matter

The National SEND Audit will start in your setting (no matter what status or size) and provide a great overview of where you are making great strides and where there are areas for growth. On completion, you will receive a personalised summary report, including actionable recommendations. You will be able to prioritise these insights for both short-term and long-term strategic planning. The summary report also aids regulatory conversations.

Why Policy Origin Matters

But the National SEND Audit will also help you to contribute to shaping national policy anonymously. Your data, blended with submissions from others, will inform future education policy without revealing specific settings.

We will be holding a National Report Webinar once the survey is completed. You will receive joining instructions in early October.

Our findings will be sent to all major political parties and think tanks, so your voice will be heard!

Why Empowering SEND Leaders Matters

For too long, SEND policy has been politicised and driven by organisations several steps removed from young people. We believe that setting leaders hold invaluable insights into what's best for their own schools. However, their relentless schedules can obscure the bigger picture. Catalyst bridges this gap. By spotlighting a school's strengths and areas needing attention, it empowers educators to prioritize effectively.

What? How to use the National SEND Audit

The audit comprises 7 sections, each containing 10 statements. For optimal results, we recommend the head teacher or principal collaborates with the designated special educational needs and disability lead (SENCO). Rate each statement with a RAG (Red, Amber, Green) designation:

Beneath each statement, find the symbol. Click it to provide your RAG rating rationale and attach evidence. While the evidence won't be in the summary report, it's valuable for discussions with governors, trustees, and regulatory bodies. Where the statement includes (S) this refers to Statutory Requirements.

Take the SEND Audit today.

Tailoring the Audit to your context

We understand that applying a single audit across diverse settings is challenging. If a statement seems irrelevant, use your best judgment to align it with your context. For instance, both mainstream and special schools prioritize high-quality teaching, albeit with variations. "Pupil" or "learner" denotes students, even those in Post 16 education.

Honesty and collaboration

Our experience shows that candid, authentic responses achieved through collaboration yield the most impactful results. Embrace the opportunity to foster improvement and drive your next steps.

In Conclusion

By focusing on real challenges, empowering schools in policy formulation, and bolstering school leaders decision-making capabilities, Catalyst sets the stage for a brighter educational landscape.

Take the SEND Audit today.

The Journey Ahead

Catalyst's journey unfolds through a series of Public Audits:

  • Talent: September 2023
  • Technology: October 2023
  • Maths: November 2023
  • Well-Being: January 2024
  • Finance: February 2024
  • Curriculum: April 2024
  • CPD: May 2024